Data Backup Services for Home or Business.
Wizztronics is a Long Island based company that offers both Onsite and Offsite Backup Services for Home or Business, at affordable prices.
There are all sorts of “backups” that help get you out of bad situations. Simple backups or file copies can often save your butt, but imagine you just had a catastrophic failure, such as a hard drive, or a virus. Now imagine you had not backed up data for a day, a week, or even a month. Most people over a year, because it’s on the computer, it’s safe right? No it’s not!
You generally realize you need a backup after a disaster happens. Let’s assume you need a copy of your tax records from 2 years ago, then you get an Audit from Uncle Sam, your data is gone, what do you do now. If you are running a company from a server or desktop computer, and you lose your company data file, how long can you afford to be out of business. Many users have said, well, I don’t have that much information, I can always retype it. Now ask yourself, how much down time can you afford.
Even in a Hardware failure, data can be restored a large percentage of the time but that can be both costly and time consuming. Whether you decide to use an off the shelf backup system or subscribe to a service you should always back up your data!
Wizztronics can help either with your own personal onsite storage device, or offsite backups. Give us a call to see if this will benefit you.

Off-site data backup is a critical component of any comprehensive data security strategy. Data is one of the most important assets that any business has, and losing it can be devastating. An off-site backup ensures that your data is protected even in the event of a disaster, such as a fire or flood, that might destroy your on-site backup. It also protects against data loss due to theft, hardware failure, or user error. Off-site backup is especially important for small businesses that may not have the resources to recover from a data loss event. By backing up your data off-site, you can be sure that your business will be able to recover from any data loss event and continue to operate with minimal disruption. With the increasing threat of cyber attacks and other data security breaches, it is more important than ever to ensure that your data is protected with a reliable off-site backup solution.